Learn how to use your VMS dashboard to identify issues, prevent downtime, and extend your system's lifespan with proactive maintenance tips.
Learn how to use your VMS dashboard to identify issues, prevent downtime, and extend your system's lifespan with proactive maintenance tips.
It’s time to welcome a new Boring product to the party. Introducing: The Boring Web Dashboard! See what’s new in the updated, browser-based version of our popular VMS web dashboard. We’ve improved upon the features you know and love, added…
We're covering what constitutes a flapping camera in your VMS, and how our new solution in the Boring Web Dashboard can help you be proactive about your camera connectivity.
Solving for intermittent camera connectivity issues can feel a little like a never ending game of I Spy. Follow along as I troubleshoot a flapping camera issue on network with the Boring Toolbox, slack, and an Axis Network Switch.
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