The Boring Lab

The Best ChatGPT Prompts for Campus Security

The ultimate resource for anyone managing school security and safety on campus -- Here are the best ChatGPT prompts to save you time on incident reporting and analysis, routine communications and alerts, training manual creation, visitor management, and emergency response planning, and security patrol optimization.
Table of Contents

Before you block access to ChatGPT on campus, consider all of the millions of ways it can help you speed through your busy work. 

In this blog, we’re going to show you, Campus Security, how to use ChatGPT to streamline repetitive tasks and speed up your workflow, freeing up your time to tackle more urgent matters.

We’ll give you ideas for where ChatGPT can be most useful with your everyday tasks as well as the exact prompts you can plug in and customize based on your school’s unique environment. 

Before we jump in, if you need a refresher on the what and how’s of using ChatGPT, head over to our blog on The Best ChatGPT Prompts for Security Professionals. It also includes some pro-tips for prompt engineering so check it out.

AI for Campus Security

AI, or artificial intelligence, is not a new concept in the world of campus security. In fact, many colleges and universities have already implemented some form of AI to help with monitoring and surveillance.

But what sets ChatGPT apart from other AI systems is its ability to understand natural language. This means it can analyze and respond to text-based communication just like a human would to help you streamline your tasks and work more efficiently.

What types of tasks can ChatGPT help School Security with?

We’re so glad you asked. 

Before we began, we looked at the primary responsibilities of Campus Security and identified five main areas where ChatGPT could help to create efficiencies and created prompts for those.

The six categories we are focusing on are:

For a select few, we’ve also included the generated response so you can get an idea of what the results look like.

ChatGPT Prompts for Incident Reporting and Analysis

ChatGPT can assist in quickly drafting and categorizing incident reports. It can also analyze patterns or trends from these reports, helping identify problem areas or potential security risks.

*It is important to note that if you want it to summarize or analyze real data, you will need to provide it with said data. 

All of the prompts in this section assume that you will be providing additional incident report data.  

ChatGPT functionality as of January 2024 allows you to upload excel spreadsheets, pdfs, or paste data directly into the text box.

Summarize and categorize the key points from these incident reports
Identify any recurring themes or locations in these incident reports from the past month
Generate a summary of all reported incidents on campus from this past week
Suggest potential security improvements based on the analysis of the last quarter's incident reports.
Act as an expert in school and campus security and safety. How would you improve upon this annual security report?

We uploaded this 2023 Annual Security Report from the University of Michigan to inform the response. Use the toggle below to see what suggestions ChatGPT made.

Boring Input:

Act as an expert in school and campus security and safety. How would you improve upon this annual security report? Be specific. [PDF]
ChatGPT Output

The 2023 Annual Security Report (ASR) for the University of Michigan-Dearborn, prepared by the Department of Public Safety (DPS), provides comprehensive information on various aspects of campus safety and security. This includes details on crime statistics, safety and health resources, reporting procedures for crimes and misconduct, university response policies, and access control measures.

To improve upon this report, I would recommend the following enhancements:

  1. Enhanced Clarity and Accessibility: Ensure the report is easily navigable, with a clear table of contents, and straightforward language. 
    • Create an executive summary highlighting key points.
    • Use bullet points for easy scanning.
    • Offer a downloadable PDF and a web-friendly version.
  2. Detailed Crime Analysis: Include more detailed analysis of crime trends and patterns. This can help the campus community understand the context and potential risk factors associated with various types of incidents.
    • Include graphs and charts for visual representation of crime statistics.
    • Provide a year-over-year comparison to highlight trends.
    • Discuss the implications of these trends for campus safety.
  3. Interactive Digital Format: Make the content more engaging by adding interactive elements.
    • Implement an interactive web version with clickable contents.
    • Use internal links for easy navigation between related sections.
  4. Increased Focus on Prevention Programs: Expand the section on crime prevention and security awareness programs. Detail how these programs are evaluated for effectiveness and adjusted based on campus needs.
    • Detail specific crime prevention initiatives undertaken in the past year.
    • Provide statistics or feedback on the effectiveness of these programs.
    • Introduce upcoming safety and prevention initiatives.
  5. Feedback Mechanism for the Community: Introduce a way for students, faculty, and staff to provide feedback on the report and suggest areas for improvement in campus safety measures.
    • Add a section soliciting feedback on the report.
    • Include a link to an online survey or a dedicated email for suggestions.
  6. Community Involvement in Safety Initiatives: Encourage community involvement in safety initiatives. 
    • Describe how students and staff can participate in safety audits.
    • Highlight volunteer opportunities in campus safety programs.
  7. Mental Health and Wellbeing Resources: Include more on mental health and wellbeing, particularly focusing on how these aspects contribute to overall campus safety.
    • Expand the section on mental health resources, including availability, accessibility, and confidentiality.
  8. Training and Awareness Programs: Include more details on resources available and how to take advantage of them
    • Provide details on training programs for students and staff, particularly around recognizing and reporting suspicious activities, emergency response procedures, and bystander intervention strategies.
    • Include information on how to enroll in these programs.
  9. Use of Technology in Safety: Outline the use of technology in enhancing campus safety
    • Explain the role of surveillance systems, emergency notification systems, and safety apps in enhancing campus security.
    • Discuss data privacy and security measures in place for these technologies.
  10. Case Studies and Examples: Provide practical insights into the response protocols.
    • Use anonymized case studies to illustrate the response to specific incidents.
    • Highlight lessons learned and improvements made following these incidents.
  11. Periodic Review and Updates: Mention how the report is kept current with changing policies and environmental factors. 
    • Explain the process for regularly updating the report.

These recommendations aim to enhance the comprehensiveness, utility, and accessibility of the report, ensuring it is a valuable resource for the entire campus community in promoting safety and security.

ChatGPT Prompts for Emergency Response Planning

Use ChatGPT to simulate various emergency scenarios and draft response plans. It can help create comprehensive, step-by-step procedures for different types of emergencies, ensuring a well-prepared security team. 

Never follow a robot’s advice blindly especially when it comes to safety and security. 

You are the expert. 

Use the output as a starting point and lean on your expertise and understanding of the situation and environment to develop a comprehensive plan.

You can get better results from ChatGPT by personalizing your prompt with additional information to help inform the strategy.

If you still are having trouble getting quality outputs. Pivot and start over with a more generic prompt like the default ones below. Then ask for revisions. 

Create a step-by-step emergency response plan for a potential chemical spill on campus.
Develop a lockdown procedure for a security threat in the campus library.
Outline an evacuation plan for the main dormitory on campus in case of a fire.
Draft a communication plan for campus security during an emergency situation.
Simulate a power outage scenario on campus and propose an effective response strategy.

It’s the newsletter security professionals use to work smarter. We promise you’ll learn stuff and enjoy a few blissful moments of productive procrastination.

ChatGPT Prompts for Routine Communication and Alerts

Drafting routine security updates, alerts, or advisories can be streamlined. ChatGPT can generate clear and concise communications, ensuring that the campus community stays informed about safety matters.

Write a security alert regarding recent vehicle thefts on campus.
Draft a monthly security newsletter for the campus community.
Compose an advisory on personal safety practices for students living on campus.
Create a template for reporting suspicious activities around campus.
Create a security checklist for students leaving for winter break.

Boring Input:

Create a security checklist for students leaving for winter break.
ChatGPT Output

Creating a security checklist for students leaving for winter break is a great idea to ensure their belongings and accommodation are safe during their absence. Here’s a comprehensive checklist:


Personal Items and Valuables

  • Secure Valuables: Lock away or take important items like laptops, jewelry, and important documents with you.
  • Backup Data: Ensure all academic work and important files are backed up on a cloud service or external hard drive.


Accommodation Security

  • Lock All Doors and Windows: Double-check that all entry points are securely locked.
  • Set Alarms: If you have a security system, make sure it is activated before you leave.
  • Mail and Deliveries: Pause or redirect mail and deliveries to avoid a pile-up that signals your absence.


Utilities and Appliances

  • Unplug Electronics: Unplug non-essential appliances to prevent fire hazards and save energy.
  • Adjust the Thermostat: Set the thermostat to an energy-efficient temperature that prevents pipes from freezing.
  • Refrigerator and Garbage: Remove perishable items and take out the trash to avoid returning to unpleasant odors or pests.


Neighbors and Building Management

  • Inform Trusted Neighbors: Let them know you’ll be away and ask them to keep an eye on your place.
  • Notify Building Management: If you live in an apartment, inform the management so they can be alert to any unusual activities.


Emergency Preparedness

  • Emergency Contact Information: Leave your contact information with a neighbor or building management.
  • Spare Key Location: If you’ve hidden a spare key outside, consider removing it while you’re away.


General Tips

  • Water Plants: If you have plants, water them thoroughly or arrange for someone to care for them.
  • Close Curtains and Blinds: This can prevent people from peeking inside to see if you’re away.
  • Check Insurance: Ensure your renter’s insurance is up to date in case of any incidents while you’re gone.


Remember, the key is to make it look like the accommodation is still occupied and to minimize risks. Safe travels and enjoy your winter break!

ChatGPT Prompts for Training Material Creation

ChatGPT can help in developing training modules for security personnel, focusing on topics like emergency response, technology use in security, and effective communication strategies.

Develop a training module on digital security awareness for campus security staff.
Outline a training course on active attacker and crime prevention training for students
Create a quiz on campus security protocols for new security personnel.
Draft a training guide on the use of surveillance technology in security operations.
Prepare an interactive workshop plan on handling non-violent conflicts on campus.

ChatGPT Prompts for Security Patrol Optimization

Utilize ChatGPT to analyze campus layouts and past incident data to suggest optimal patrol routes and timings, ensuring maximum coverage and efficiency.

Suggest optimal patrol routes for night-time security based on campus layout and past incident locations.
Analyze campus activity hours and propose a patrol schedule for maximum coverage.
Develop a rotating patrol plan to ensure all key areas of the campus are covered.
Propose a system for tracking and reporting patrol coverage and incident responses.

ChatGPT Prompts for Visitor Management

Managing visitors can be streamlined using ChatGPT to draft visitor protocols, create registration forms, or generate guidelines for visitors to ensure campus safety.

Create a guideline document for visitors on campus safety protocols and emergency procedures.
Generate an automated response for visitor inquiries about campus security policies.
Outline a process for visitor background checks and security clearances.
Develop a script for front desk staff to use when explaining security procedures to visitors.

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