The Boring Lab

How to Integrate a Non-Supported Device into XProtect Using the Milestone Driver Framework

Follow this step-by-step tutorial to learn how to integrate a non-supported device into XProtect using a third-party Milestone driver.
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The Milestone Driver framework unleashes even more functionality and possibilities for your XProtect VMS by allowing third-party device manufacturers to develop their own XProtect drivers.

In this blog, I’m going over how I integrated a non-supported device into XProtect using a third-party Milestone driver on my home VMS. Follow along with me so you can reap the benefits of the MIP Driver Framework in your own system!

What is the Milestone Driver Framework?

Prior to the Milestone driver framework, the only way to integrate a non-supported device into Milestone XProtect was to use the generic/universal driver, which had limited functionality and was a pain to use.

In 2019, Milestone released the Milestone Driver Framework. The driver framework allows third-party device manufacturers to integrate their devices into Milestone XProtect by developing their own XProtect drivers.

While not widely used, the benefits of the custom driver are many:

  • Extend Milestone to support non-security device types
  • Quicker turnaround to integrate third-party devices into Milestone
  • Ability to utilize all the features of a Milestone-built driver

I haven’t seen many third-party driver integrations yet. Still, I did have the opportunity to install a GJD IP IR illuminator on my home and wanted to share the experience.

How to Integrate with XProtect Using a Custom Milestone Driver

The IM-8-IP is an IP-controlled IR illuminator made by GJD and can be configured by its web interface or added to Milestone for extended functionality. I chose to integrate it into Milestone using the third-party drivers from GJD.

Here’s how I did it.

Step 1: Download

It took me a second to realize that all the documentation is on the Milestone Marketplace. Once at the marketplace page, click on How to Install and scroll down. Download the following:

  • Milestone – Clarius IP Driver Setup
  • Clarius IP Driver
  • GJD – IP Device Gateway Service
  • Also, download the IM-8-IP manual from the GJD website

Step 2: Configure the IM-8-IP

The illuminator is not DHCP enabled, so if you have more than one, you will need to bring them onto the network and change their IP addresses one by one. The default IP address is

  1. Browse to the URL
  2. Create a username and password
  3. Change the IP address
  4. Plug into the network

Step 3: Install the IP Device Gateway Service

The best way to describe the GJD gateway service is a middleware between the physical devices and the Milestone Driver Framework.

It’s light and easy to install. Once installed on the management server, there will be an icon on the desktop.

Double click that to open the gateway configuration page.

Step 4: Add the IM-8-IP to the Gateway

1. On the configuration page, click “Add

2. Enter the device details

3. It will now show up on the Devices page

Step 5: Install the 3rd Party Drivers

The third-party GJD drivers are installed on the XProtect recording server.

  1. Log into the recording server.
  2. In C:\Program Files\Milestone\MIPDrivers, create a folder called GJD.
  3. Copy and unzip the Clarius IP Driver ZIP into the GJD folder you just created
  4. Restart the recording server service
  5. You should now see a GJD folder and Clarius driver in your driver list when you add a device.

Note: You might see it under “other” as well. I am not sure why it shows up differently on some systems.  Also, if the MIPDriver folder does not already exist, create it on your own.

Step 6: Add the Device to Milestone XProtect

Adding a third-party device is just like adding a supported camera. Super easy.

  1. Log into the management client
  2. Launch the Add Hardware wizard and select “Manual.”
  3. Add in the credentials for the GJD
  4. Find and select the third-party GJD drivers
  5. Enter the address
  6. Here is where there is a bit of a difference from adding a standard camera
  7. Go back to the GJD IP Gateway portal from Step 4 and find the Milestone Host address for the device.
  8. Paste that into the address field in the XProtect management client.
  9. Set the port to 5000

Once added, the events in the IM-8-IP are wiped out and replaced with events that match the new Milestone actions!

Step 7: Use Your Newly Integrated Device!

Ok, you finally have it in Milestone, so what can you do with it?

Turn on Your Device

Control of the illuminator happens through the inputs and outputs, and enabling the output will turn on the illuminator.

Add the Device to Rules

Now that the illuminator is in Milestone, you can use all Milestone features and functions to control and manipulate the device, including adding it to rules.

For example, the rule below turns the IR on at night and off during the day.

If you’re looking for even more possibilities with your XProtect VMS, the Milestone Driver framework is a great option to explore. By allowing third-party device manufacturers to develop their own XProtect drivers, you can extend Milestone to support non-security device types and get quicker turnaround times when integrating new devices into Milestone. 

This use case was just one of many possibilities within the Milestone Driver Framework. I hope you can see the power behind it!

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