The Boring Lab

Getting Started with BoringBot for Microsoft Teams

Install BoringBot on Microsoft teams to receive scheduled reports and real-time health status updates about your Milestone XProtect VMS without leaving your Teams channel!


With BoringBot for Teams, you don’t need to waste time switching between apps and browser tabs to check on the health of your VMS. Request real-time health status updates about your Milestone XProtect VMS and cameras without leaving Microsoft Teams!

In this video tutorial, we walk you through installing BoringBot on Microsoft Teams.

Installation takes less than 1 minute.

🤖 Why Install BoringBot on Teams?

  • Effortlessly manage several management servers right from a single Teams channel.
  • Receive real-time alerts for camera and server statuses right within your Teams workspace. No more app hopping!
  • Get scheduled reports delivered directly to you and your team members in your designated Teams channel.

🤖 BoringBot Commands

@BoringBot connect-server
Connect and manage multiple management servers in a single channel.

@BoringBot list-servers
List all the management servers connected to the Boring Bot.

@BoringBot vms-status
Get statistics on all the recording servers started & stopped, all the cameras not providing video & providing video, and all cameras in maintenance.

@BoringBot camera-status
Search for a camera by name or IP address across your management server, send details to channel including:

  • Name
  • Status (providing video & not providing video)
  • Is Critical
  • IP Address
  • MAC Address
  • SD-Card status

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