Boring Toolbox April 2021 Release

We've been busy since. the start of the year and are excited to tell you about everything we've been working on that will enhance the user experience and usability of managing Milestone XProtect system!
Table of Contents

Boring Data Collector Retrieves Additional Metrics Giving You Enhanced Insights Into Your VMS

We have added a new data collector background service which connects directly to the hardware devices to retrieve critical metrics.

We are in phase 1 of the data collection where the data is being retrieved and stored in the database for future use.  Currently the data collector works with Axis, Hanwha and Bosch and is focused on retrieving SD card information from the devices.

  • SD-card availability
  • SD-card encryption state
  • SD-card health
  • SD-card use
  • SD-card storage information

Our clients are using camera hardware edge-storage in conjunction with Milestone XProtect as a backup to standard server failover methodologies. 

The edge-storage feature in XProtect is very powerful but the issue is managing the SD-cards themselves.  When you are dealing with thousands of cameras, staying on top of the edge-storage is an almost impossible task as administrators do not have a tool to help them understand the overall health across the enterprise.

We are striving to change that and help Milestone XProtect administrators gain insight into the unknown.

Configurable Database Name: Supporting Multiple Management Servers on the Same SQL Server

As the use of multi-site management grows we are finding that many of our clients are using a shared SQL server for multiple management servers.

Our first release did not allow for this topology but by popular demand, we can now support multiple management servers on the same SQL server or SQL server cluster.

We have also added this feature to our silent installation process!

Enhanced User Experience for Multi-Site Management

For our clients that have more than a handful of management servers we have added some interface enhancements to help you get what you need…fast.

Updates include:

  1. Hiding notifications on global dashboard to provide more screen real estate
  2. Show all monitoring and hide all monitoring with one button click vs having to click each managed site separately
  3. Search for and sort managed sites on the Global Dashboard & managed sites view
  4. RDP to the remote management server directly from Global Dashboard
  5. Optimization of the loading of new managed site tabs
  6. More intuitive user experience in the Global Dashboard when connecting to managed sites in new tabs

Fixes and Optimizations

Nobody is perfect. We spent some time squashing bugs and optimizing the stuff you do not see.  There is a full list in our release notes

Team Boring

Your go-to XProtect eXPerts. We learn the technical stuff that will save you time and make it less boring.

Team Boring

Your go-to XProtect eXPerts. We learn the technical stuff that will save you time and make it less boring.

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