Boring Toolbox October 2020 Release!

In our October release we build upon our 5.0 release by making the Live Monitoring Service more robust, adding thresholds for recording servers and adding some device management tools. Live Monitoring Updates Threaded email notifications You will now see that your LMS emails include an slightly different email subject which includes the alert type, name of the site and an incident ID. This allows the trouble emails and recovery emails to be more easily tracked in threaded email clients. In the example above you can see the first trouble email, “6 Cameras Not Providing Video”, and then the following 6 camera recovery emails as the cameras come back online. Recording Server Threshold Distributed XProtect installations tend to see intermittent disconnects of the recording server to the management server. These do not have any performance impacts on the XProtect VMS and can typically safely be ignored. You now have the option to add a threshold, in seconds, for the recording server disconnect notifications. This reduces the number of emails you will receive and increases the meaningfulness of the ones you do. Device Management #1 Reboot and Auto-focus Axis & Hanwha Deeper device integration with Axis and Hanwha now allows for the reboot, auto-focus and adjust the vari-focal lens of selected cameras directly through the Boring Toolbox. Multi-sensor cameras are currently not supported Management server must have direct network access to the camera hardware #2 Launch a larger player for live view and playback In the details pane you can now click on the icon in the video frame to pop it out into a floating window. That floating window can be expanded to any size you would like and multiple can be open at the same time. This is perfect for camera deployments and analytics calibration. #3 Quick view of video stream details To stream line workflows we have added the camera video stream properties right to the details pane. Full Release Notes Full release notes can be found here. Don’t have Boring Toolbox yet? Get started today